Top 10k strings from Spectrum Special 2 (1983)(Shiva Publishing)(16k)(Side A).tzx in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Compilations - Utilities & Educational & Various / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Compilations - Various - [TZX] (TOSEC-v2006-06-06) /

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   4 ;"OPTIONS"
   4 ;"1.  RUN program again           2.  Display instructions        3.  LOAD next program           4.  STOP"
   4 "Select option number ";opt
   2 "Are these OK? y/n ";x$
   1 x$=b$(sz)(
   1 w$(p)=w$(q)
   1 ro,co;"       ";
   1 pause=1000
   1 menu      
   1 concertinaO
   1 cement    X
   1 automatic loading
   1 a(p)=a(p)+1
   1 SHIVA       
   1 Ltd.           
   1 Each program includes its own   documentation 
   1 Created with Ramsoft MakeTZX
   1 ;"Your time starts...";:
   1 ;"You caught ";c;" bricks"''"     HIT ANY KEY TO CONTINUE"
   1 ;"Wrong! The word was.....";
   1 ;"To Load map back, use           LOAD ""name""
   1 ;"Please wait, I'm thinking"
   1 ;"Out of time...The word was...   ";
   1 ;"Hit any key to continue"
   1 ;"Can you solve this anagram?"
   1 ;"CHEATING! You can't change the  first letter!  Try another one":
   1 ;"                                ";:
   1 7<Elntuwz}
   1 4         
   1 3         9
   1 2         p
   1 12  21112121211 1   1121221 111111  1222212 121122  21  222 12212212121 111 2   112 1112122 211221222211
   1 1         W
   1 ,"South",17
   1 ,"Pacific",9
   1 ,"Ocean",8
   1 ,"Ocean",14
   1 ,"North America",16
   1 ,"Indian",15
   1 ,"Europe",21
   1 ,"Australia",1
   1 ,"Atlantic",9
   1 ,"Asia",10
   1 ,"Antarctic Ocean",8
   1 ,"America",21
   1 ,"Africa",5
   1 , use the command   LOAD ""
   1 , use LOAD ""
   1 );"----------"(
   1 ) and         8 (
   1 (instructions)"
   1 '''''"         
   1 '''"                      
   1 ''"   This program will turn any   message that you input into     MORSE CODE.                                                        It will display the message  and the code on screen, and     also produce the corresponding  sounds."
   1 ''"   There are two speed options: Fast and Slow. The computer willask for your choice of speed."
   1 '"The technique for drawing the   original map is explained in    FURTHER PROGRAMMING FOR THE     ZX SPECTRUM, available from     Shiva Publishing."
   1 '"The result may be copied to     a printer or saved on tape for  use in your own programs."
   1 '"The map is stored as the string variable a$ and plotted by the  routine in program lines        220-270."
   1 '" To obtain the list of available programs, press any key.":
   1 '" Similarly, for program number   
   1 '" Alternatively, you can press    key 
   1 '"  Programs are numbered 1 - 10    and may be run either           
   1 '"  A selection of 
   1 "violin","penetrated"
   1 "tunnel","subroutine"
   1 "square","perfidious"
   1 "shovel","traversing"
   1 "runner","indefinite"
   1 "raygun","statements"
   1 "pillow","medicament"
   1 "pigpen","kettledrum"
   1 "parrot","technology"
   1 "parcel","preciously"
   1 "needle","sandwiches"
   1 "mirror","caretakers"
   1 "letter","reasonable"
   1 "jumble","improbable"
   1 "juggle","algorithms"
   1 "island","photograph"
   1 "hunter","cryptogram"
   1 "helmet","practising"
   1 "ghosts","completing"
   1 "crocus","transistor"
   1 "cement","elementary"
   1 "cattle","disability"
   1 "castle","procedures"
   1 "canary","concertina"
   1 "camera","regardless"
   1 "cactus","stereotype"
   1 "button","represents"
   1 "bowler","assumption"
   1 "bounce","reciprocal"
   1 "beetle","inversions"
   1 "This program uses string        storage to draw a hi-resolution map of the world.   You may     choose colours, label the major continents and oceans, and      change colours if you wish."
   1 "SAVE name? ";s$
   1 "SAVE map? y/n ";x$
   1 "Number of new OCEAN colour?";p:
   1 "Number of new LAND colour?";i:
   1 "Number of label paper colour?";p
   1 "Number of label ink colour?";i
   1 "Number of OCEAN colour? ";oc:
   1 "Number of LAND colour? ";cc:
   1 "Is this what you intend? y/n";a$:
   1 "FAST or SLOW? Input f or s ";o$:
   1 "ENTER MESSAGE ";m$
   1 "EASY or HARD? Input e or h ";o$:
   1 "Do you want labels? y/n ";x$
   1 "Corrected answer? ";k$
   1 "COPY to printer? y/n ";x$
   1 "'"  5. Magic Forest                 6. Fair Shares                  7. Stringing the Ton            8. Chaos                        9. Block Renumber              10. Block Renumber (utility         version)"
   1 "'"  1. Brickbat                     2. Automatic Morse              3. Anagrams against the Clock   4. World Map"                                
   1 "" or hit the key  with number 
   1 "" and follow the usual   procedure [Sinclair 
   1 " To LOAD an individual program,  say number 
   1 " Set the tape to the correct     place and LOAD ""(program        number)"" as usual. To find the  location type LOAD ""test"" and   watch the screen messages.      Note the tape counter number or the time taken to wind on, and  use this to save time on the    next occasion you use this      tape."
   1 "   You may then press in turn   the keys for the remaining      letters, and see if you have    guessed correctly."
   1 "   You may NOT change your      choice of FIRST letter."
   1 "   When you have decided on a   word, press the key for its     
   1 "   To move the bat use the      arrow keys 5 (
   1 "   This program will give you   an ANAGRAM of a 10- or 6-letter word.   After the beep, you     must solve it before the        clock counts down to zero."
   1 "   There are two levels of      difficulty: 6 letters (EASY)    or 10 (HARD)."
   1 "   If you make a mistake you    should continue to enter the    word.  You will get a chance to correct it."
   1 "   For each brick you catch, youscore ONE POINT."''"   HOW HIGH CAN YOU SCORE?"
   1 "   Coloured bricks drop from    the sky.   If you fail to catch them with your bat they pile    up.  If the pile gets as high   as the bat, the game stops."'
   1 "                                ";:
   1  when asked for in the     automatic loading mode."
   1  page 141]."
   1  or individually"
   1  on it. Do 
   1  letter.  This will stop   the clock."
   1  for ""yes"",any other     key for ""no"""
   1  devised by          Ian Stewart and Robin Jones"
   1  Do you want 
   1  1983      
   1    Input the number of the        program. If it is greater       than 5, turn the tape over      and rewind."
   1      use the 
   1        programs for the Sinclair       ZX 
   1                     : 
   1                                 n